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António Guterres

Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels 1040, Block C2, 7th Floor

Oggetto: Proposta de paghe pro sa gherra pesada in Ucraina dae sa Russia

Egregiu segretàriu generale de sas Natziones Unidas, nos permitimus de bos iscrìere ca issa presedet su parlamentu prus importante de su mundu, unu cunsessu in su cale mancari non sunt rapresentadas sas natziones e sos pòpulos sunt comente si siat rapresentados totu sos istados e duncas totu sas entidades polìticas e istitutzionales in pòdere de intervènnere pro giùghere a una mesa de tratativa sos istados chi oe si cunfrontant e tumbant in trintzea cun sos inevitàbiles disacatos graves a persones e cosas e cunsighentes crìmines de gherra. Bos pedimus, retenende chi petzi issa in custu momentu nde tèngiat sa possibilidade, de dare una beste polìtica a un’iscontru armadu, de giùghere a inghìriu a una mesa su cunfrontu chi oe acontesset in trintzea. Tale atzione creimus siat possìbile e doverosa pro totu sas gherras chi fratzellant su mundu ma cun custa lìtera pedimus un’interventu particulare suo in sa gherra derivada dae s’invasione de s’Ucràina a banda de sa Rùssia, particulare ca est sa cuntierra chi si diat pòdere allargare e giùghere a sa de tres gherras mundiales cun cunsighèntzias catastròficas pro totu su gènere umanu bidu su possìbile impreu de sas armas nucleares.

Nois semus indipendentistas sardos chi gherrant in manera paghiosa ca su pòpulu sardu siat lìberu de detzìdere su destinu pròpiu, nos impignamus pro s’autodeterminatzione de su pòpulu nostru e de totu sos pòpulos impedidos de su mundu.

Est movende de su printzìpiu de autodeterminatzione, chi no est àteru chi su printzìpiu de libertade aplicadu a sos pòpulos, chi nos chergiamus permìtere de fàghere una proposta de paghe, giusta, pro sa gherra chi sa Rùssia at iscadenadu in Ucràina.

Sa paghe est netzessària e est netzessària oe, in antis de s’irreparàbile, est netzessària una paghe giusta no de sutamissione armada.

Eja, semus totus patzifistas, ma in pagos narant in manera crara cale tipu de paghe aùgurant.

Est netzessàriu chi ognunu crarat ite cumprendet pro paghe, non bastat ammustrare su cuntenidore bisòngiat ammustrare fintzas custu chi b’est in intro. Sa gherra chi sa Rùssia at giutu in Ucràina est s’ocasione giusta pro dare unu càbidu pròpiu a su cuntzetu de paghe.

Si sunt fatas e si sunt faghende medas manifestatziones, martzas e sit-in pro, pedire, ammaniare, pretèndere sa paghe, pro fàghere sessare custa gherra chi est divenende ogni die prus perigulosa e chi arriscat de interessare unos àteros istados e unos àteros pòpulos.

Totu cumpartzìbile ma est netzessàriu crarire cale tipu de paghe si pretendet, bisòngiat essire dae su possìbile istrumentalismu polìticu e de sas gàbbias ideològicas, sinunca non si cumprendet si si pedit sa paghe de Davide o sa de Golia e non si cumprendet mancu chie siat su Davide e chie su Golia, chie siat s’assennidu e chie s’assennidore, si creat unu inghìriu de resones de sa gherra in su cale sos atores sunt sos imperialismos e sos pòpulos e sa gente sunt sas pedinas mandigadas in su iscachiera de gherra.

Pro arribbare a una proposta de paghe est netzessàriu cumpartzire chi s’imperialismu est semper crìmine comente est crìmine impreare sos deretos de sos pòpulos pro nde fàghere resones de gherra, agressiones e sutamissiones.

Sa paghe non podet èssere tale si b’at pòpulos sutamìtidos o atacados cun sa fortza e privados de sa libertade de autodetzisione, de detzìdere de èssere lìberos e si costituire in istadu indipendente o de aderire a un’istadu giai costituidu in su cale si reconnoschent.

Pro nois indipendentistas sa bia maistra chi punnat a sa paghe non podet èssere chi sa de s’autodeterminatzione, autodetzisione lìbera chi pòngiat ogni pòpulu in sas cunditziones de seberare su benidore suo, in s’istadu pròpiu o a s’internu de un’istadu in su cale si reconnoschet in manera lìbera e non pro annessione.

Siat s’autodeterminatzione a regulare sos raportos intre pòpulos e non s’imperialismu de sos istados-natzione.

Est pro su grandu sentimentu de libertade chi nch’ànimat chi nos permitamus, nois pitica ala de su mundu, de formulare una proposta de paghe giusta, chi mancari in pagas rigas issa nde at a ischire collire sos balores universales chi cuntenet, nde fàghere tesoro e la tènnere presente comente ispinta e comente invitu a issa e sos istados presentes, in su cunsessu chi issa presedet, intendant su dovere mannu de fàghere sessare custa gherra e totu sos crìmines chi sa gente disarmada e innotzente est subende.

Pro fàghere sessare sa gherra Russa in Ucràina bisòngiat una proposta de paghe giusta e chi diat ocasione a sas partes de che essire dae sa cuntierra sena dèvere giustificare umiliatziones cun sa gente pròpia e chi respetet sos deretos de sos pòpulos, in s’ispetzìficu de sos pòpulos de su Donbas.

Sos indipendentistas sardos pro sa paghe giusta proponent:

– Sa Rùssia si retiret in sos làcanas suas in antis de sa gherra.

– S’Ucràina si retiret in sos làcanas suas cun su Donbas.

– Sas duas repùblicas de su Donbas siant postas suta amparu ONU pro las mutire intro tres/bator annos a unu referendum de autodetzisione.

– Su Donbas, si at a seberare s’indipendèntzia, siat garantidu territòriu nèutru intre Europa e Rùssia pro 50 annos.

– Su 30% de sos disacatos causados dae sa gherra siant in càrrigu de sa Rùssia e su chi abarrat 70% a càrrigu de sos istados chi aderint a s’ONU.

– Unu tribunale internatzionale indagat e cundennat sos crìmines de gherra.

Nemos at a àere bintu o pèrdidu intre sos imperialismos in gherra ma ant a tènnere sa vitòria sos pòpulos de su Donbas, de s’Ucràina e de sa Rùssia, at a tènnere sa vitòria sa gente, totus cussas chi no ant a dèvere mòrrere, prànghere sos mortos o pèrdere sos benes primàrios issoro.

Unu cordiale saludu e augùrios de bonos profetos.

Sardigna 24/02/2023


Sardigna Natzione Indipendèntzia


Subject: proposal of peace in the war brought by Russia to Ukraine

Dear Secretary-General of the United Nations, we write to you because you chair the most important parliament in the world, a forum in which, even if nations and peoples are not represented, all States and thus all political and institutional entities able to intervene are represented to bring to the negotiating table the states that confront and clash today in the trenches with the inevitable grave damage to the population and the war crimes that flow from it.

We ask you, considering that you alone currently have the opportunity to give a political role to an armed conflict, to put around the table the comparison now being made in the trenches. We believe that this action is possible and respects all the wars that plague the world, but with this letter we ask your specific intervention in the war resulting from the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, especially because this is the conflict that could expand and lead to World War III with catastrophic consequences for all mankind given the possible use of nuclear weapons.

We are Sardinian independentists who are fighting peacefully for the Sardinian people to be free to decide their own destiny. Our struggle is not only, for the self-determination of our people, but also for all the peoples of the world that claim it. It is precisely on the basis of the principle of self-determination, which is nothing but the principle of freedom applicable to peoples, we want to make a fair peace proposal for the war that Russia has started in Ukraine.

Today peace is necessary , in the face of irreparable damage, a just peace is desirable and not an armed submission. Yes, because we are all pacifists, but not many people talk clearly about the kind of peace they want, in fact each person should clarify what he/she means by peace.

Russia’s war with Ukraine is an opportunity to give substance to the concept of peace.

Many demonstrations, marches and sit-ins have been made to ask, to prepare and to claim peace in order to end this war which is becoming more and more dangerous and which could also involve other states and other peoples.

It is quite acceptable, but it is necessary to clarify what kind of peace is claimed, we must sort out of possible political instrumentalism and ideological cages, otherwise you do not understand if you ask for the peace of David or Goliath’s one and you do not even understand who is David or who is Goliath that is who is the attacked and who is the aggressor.

It creates a multitude of reasons to explain the war in which the actors are imperialisms while peoples and human beings are the pawns eaten in the war chessboard.

In order to arrive at a proposal for peace it is necessary to share the idea that imperialism is always a crime as it is a crime to use the rights of peoples to justify wars, aggressions and submissions.

It cannot be peace if there are subdued or annexed peoples by force and deprived of the freedom of self-determination or to decide to be free and constitute themselves in an independent state or to join a state already constituted in which they recognize themselves.

For us independentists the main way that leads to peace can only be that of self-determination, free self-determination that puts every people in a position to choose their own future, in their own state or within a state in which they recognize themselves freely and not by annexation. Let self-determination govern relations between peoples and not the imperialism of nation-states.

It is because of the great feeling of freedom that animates us that we, from this small part of the world, allow ourselves to formulate a proposal for just peace, that even if in a few lines you will be able to grasp the universal values it contains and treasure it and keep it in mind as a spur and as an invitation because you and the states present in the assembly over which you preside feel the imperative duty to end this war and all crimes that helpless and blameless people are suffering.

To bring the Russian war in Ukraine to an end, we need a proposal for a just peace which will give to both sides an opportunity to get out of the conflict without having to justify humiliation with their own people and which respects the rights of the peoples, in particular the people of Donbas.

The Sardinian independentists for the just peace propose:

– Russia retreats to its borders before the war.

– Ukraine retreats to its borders with Donbas.

– The two republics of Donbas should be placed under UN protection to call them within three/four years to a referendum on self-determination.

– The Donbas, if it chooses independence, will be a neutral territory between Europe and Russia for 50 years.

– 30% of the damage caused by the war is borne by Russia and the remaining 70% by the UN states.

– An international tribunal which investigates and condemns war crimes.

No one will have won or lost among imperialisms in war but only the peoples of Donbas, Ukraine and Russia will have the victory , all those people who must not die, mourn the dead or lose their primary goods.

Sincerely and augurios de bonos profetos

Sardigna 24/02/2023 CUSSITZU NATZIONALE

Sardigna Natzione Indipendentzia

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